Refunds, Returns & Exchanges

Returns & Refund
TeeKoala works hard to ensure that all our products are printed to high-quality standards & shipped on time and accurately. Customers have 30 days from ...
Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 3:09 AM
Refunds Policy
You will receive your refund within 5 business days. Please contact us if you notice it takes too long for the refund to reach you. You will receive your re...
Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 3:17 AM
How do I return an item?
The returned item is the case by case support. Please feel free to contact us at We’ll respond to your inquiry as soon as we can —...
Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 3:22 AM
Faint outline/stain around my shirt design
Not to worry — this outline will disappear after the first wash! Our shirts are pre-treated with a special solution prior to printing to ensure high quality...
Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 3:23 AM
Fulfillment Errors vs. Customer Errors
Any returns or problems that occur because of an error on our part will be handled at our expense.  In cases where the customer would like to exchange o...
Tue, 8 Sep, 2020 at 3:24 AM